In this article we give you several tips for insulating contact and airborne noise from an aquarium pump.

Insulating an Aquarium Pump

The calming presence of an aquarium is often disrupted by a humming or buzzing sound coming from the pump (or multiple pumps, in some situations). In this article we give you tips for insulating contact and airborne noise from an aquarium pump.

What noise problem do I have?

In order to tackle your noise problem with the right products, it is important to know which noise problem you suffer from. If you mainly hear a humming sound, you most likely suffer from contact noise. If you hear buzzing or bubbling sounds, you probably suffer from airborne noise.

Contact noise

Usually, a pump stands in a cupboard or inside aquarium furniture. Parts in the pump that move can cause other parts, or even the entire furniture to vibrate, resulting in resonance. This is often audible as a humming sound or noticeable as physical vibration. In order to remedy this, it is best to cut a mat of Regufoam into strips of about 50 mm wide. As for this application, use Regufoam D150 with a thickness of 12 mm (Art. No. M0714).


Aquariumpomp isolerenGlue the strips crosswise, utilising Sikaflex (so not along the length). Apply at least three strips, left and right on the shelf, along the walls of the furniture and one strip in the middle of the shelf so that it cannot bend through. If your piece of furniture is very wide or deep, or if it contains several pumps, you can apply a few more strips, spread over the length of the shelf. Place a shelf that is slightly smaller than the shelf of the furniture on the strips of Regufoam, preventing it from touching the furniture anywhere (avoid contact bridges!). This shelf may be a bit heavier and thicker than the other shelf. Now you have created a 'floating' shelf on which the pump(s) can stand.


Regufoam is moisture resistant, but it can absorb moisture and dirt over time. We advise to tape the end sides of the boards (and therefore also the Regufoam) with Acustitape. In this way, the environment remains hygienic.

Airborne noise

In order to reduce airborne noise, the sounds of the pump, you should equip the furniture (or housing) on the inside with an absorption material that contains a moisture-tight top layer. We prefer acusticab, not only because of the qualitative top layer and self-adhesive backing, but also because of the variety in available thicknesses.


Equip as much surface around the pump as possible with this absorption material and tape all the seams with Acustitape, preventing moisture and dirt from penetrating. The thickness you should select depends on the amount of space available. Remember: the thicker the material, the better the result.

Points of attention

Always make sure that the pump is stable and sturdy, avoiding play on pipes or hoses, which could result in a leak. Make sure the room where the pump is located is sufficiently ventilated. If necessary, consult the manufacturer or the manual of the pump.


Do you have any questions about this topic? Please contact us, we will be happy to answer your questions as soon as possible.