How to improve the acoustic in hifi listening rooms

The living room as a hifi listening room
The room acoustics in a hifi listening room, where a high-end hifi set is set up, often requires a little more attention than the acoustics in an average (living) room. If you have invested in an expensive audio hifi set, you want to be able to enjoy it to the fullest. You could choose to have someone carry out a reverberation measurement, but a good measurement, by a neutral party, is expensive. But with the right products you can achieve very good results by yourself, and we are happy to help you with that. When the basics for good acoustics has been laid, you can fine-tune to your own taste and insight.

How to improve basic hifi room acoustics
The acoustic basics for a hifi listening room is to have some curtains, carpet and furniture. An empty room sounds empty, good acoustics should sound warm. Next is adding more soft surfaces on the walls and ceiling, acoustic panels. For a basic acoustics you need to mount acoustic panels on the first reflective hotspots, usually the walls left and right of the loudspeakers and the wall behind the seating area. If the those walls are covered for about a 30% you should be able to get a reasonable effect, of course you can add more if needed.

Acoustic panels are also needed for the ceiling, these improve the acoustics when the is not much carpeting, this will shorten the amount of reverbrations in the length, depth, of the room.  The amount of paneling depends is quite personal, we advise to start with a ceiling covering of about 30%, just like the walls. It has no use to pruchase to much acoustic panels. Just fine-tune the room to your likings. As you may understand, these are the basics. If you need any advice with your project just let us know via our contact page.

Guide to acoustics
On our tips page you can find multiple solutions and guides for good acoustics, Reverbrations & Room Acoustics.

Products to improve hifi listening room acoustics


Hifi listening room acoustics
See our acoustic panel page for products to improve the acoustics in your music and hifi room. We also provide guides on acoustics, soundproofing for studio and hifi listening room. Need advice? Just send us an email with all of your questions.