Improving home cinema acoustics

Acoustics and soundproofing for home cinema Bioscoop
Watching movies at home in a room completely furnished as a cinema must meet two important requirements: Sufficiant soundproofing to insulate low-frequency noise and music, so as not to disturb the neighbors, and good room acoustics so that no reverberation is present. 

How to soundproof a home cinema
The best method to soundproof a room for use as a home cinema, is to create a so called 'box-in-box principle'. A short description of this method: installing decoupled, or floating, walls and ceilings using the Akoestikon Acoustic Studs. With these acoustic studs you can soundproof the room to keep the low frequencies as much as possible inside. This will reduce the change of sound problems for and to the neighbours.

Insulating doors with Isomat is something you can do with our guide to soundproof doors. This to avoid sound problems in rest of your home and for other residents. Soundproofing a door is many cases adding weight to the door and installing a drop down seal. Not that big of a job, and made easy with our guide.

In some case it might be necessary to insulate the floor as well, in a flat for example, this will avoid or reduce impact noises and airborne sound from loudspeakers and subwoofers. You can install a decoupled floor or place speakers and subwoofers on Hifi Dampers. Please note that these sources, loudspeakers, mainly spread airborne noise, soundproofing walls and/or ceiling with Akoestikon Acoustic Studs is the main solution here.

How to improve the acoustics in a home cinema
The most popular absorption product for the room acoustics for a home cinema is the Akotherm SF, a black absorption material with high absorption values for both walls and ceilings. Our advice is to cover the entire ceiling with this product to get that warm cinema and theater effect. To avoid flutter echo you should also mount some aoucstic panels spread across the room. If you are not sure where or how many, just send us an email, or checkout our guides to acoustics.

Guides to soundproof and improve acoustics
You can find various step-by-step plans on our tips pages:

Products to soundproof and improve acoustics for home cinema


Home cinema acoustics and soundproofing
See all our solutions and products to improve the acoustics and soundproofing on our tips & guide pages.