Silendo Door Grille

Acoustic Ventilation Grille
Silendo door grille is used when the gap between the bottom of the door and the floor closed or sealed, for example by a drop seal, but ventilation remains necessary. Apartments and houses with a re-circulation system usually have a wide openings or gaps between the floor and the door to eliminate overpressure in rooms. This opening composes a sound leak that optimally is covered by means of a drop down seal. The Silendo door grille prevents overpressure and prevents a sound leak.


How to ventilate a room quietly
Silent ventilation of a room is very desirable, this can be done with the use of Inno Dampers, to reduce airflow noise from vents and round air ducts. Quietly ventilating a room with closed windows is also possible with the use of a silent ventilator such as the Aeropac ventilation unit. More about acoustic ventilation solutions on our page 'Silent Ventilation'. Questions about our products, just let us know.