Anti-drumming pressure roller, processing tool

Anti-drumming pressure roller tool
Use our pressure roller to make applying anti-drumming sheets, such as the Vibraflex sound deadener sheets, far more easier. This handy tool has a rubber surface with a comfortable and firm grip. The roller ensures a good adhesion of the Vibraflex products on the surface you want to insulate or soundproof.

More importantly, the roller reduces the risk of air bubbles underneath the anti-drumming sheets. Using the pressure roller also prevents the sheets from becoming detached because of insufficient pressure while appyling the Vibraflex sheets. On a corrugated surface this tool helps to get the Vibraflex attached in each bend and curve.

Below you will find the pressure roller that makes the job so much easier

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Where to buy anti-drumming, sound deadening, and which one
Some people absolutly never heard of anti-drumming or sound deadening before even though it is used more often than you might think. We have written a page about anti-drumming and the use of this soundproofing method and products. If you have questions about these products please let us know.