Soundproofing outboard engine noise

Soundproofing and insulating the outboard engine and transomOutboard engine
The noise of an outboard engine is usually quite prominent in pleasure crafts, resulting in a lot of noise while driving a boat, especially on longer trips this gets very annoying. We only  recommend insulating the engines cover when if there is enough space between the cover and the engine! If the space is there, you can insulate the engine cover on the inside with Aluglass. The self-adhesive layer is heat resistant to about 90 °C, Aluglass is 15 mm thick.

How to reduce outboard engine noise?
You can reduce the amount of outboard engine noise when the engine is mounted in the stern, or transom. The best result will be achieved if there is a cover over the outboard engine or transom, as shown in the picture. By seamlessly providing the cover and side walls with an sound absorber you can reduce the amount of noise significantly. Use an sound absorber with a protective and moisture proof top layer, such as Acousticcell PU in combination with our PU Finishing Tape. This thin tape will prevent moisture to be absorbed by the acoustic foam.

We have all kinds of solutions to soundproof and insulate pleasure crafts and any other kind of vessel on our tips pages Boats & Yachts. Questions about boat insulation? Just send us an email, we are happy to help you.

Products to insulate and soundproof outboard engine noise



Sound insulation for yacht and shipbuilding
More information about insulating vessels can be found on the overview page 'Boats & Yachts'.