Air shaft insulation for ships

Air shaft insulation with Merfocell PU sound absorberAir shaft insulation for cargo ships and vessels  
The air shaft of the engine room in a (commercial) vessel, such as a cargo ship, are is often opened during sailing to dissipate heat. Since the air shaft is an open connection to the outside world it usually one of the most common a noise problems in marine and shipping. Not only for personnel on board, but also for the surrounding area. The solution to this problem, insulating mainly engine noise from the engine room, is quite simple. 

How to insulate an air shaft
To keep the engine noise in the engine room, the entire shaft must be completely covered with an acoustic sound absorber. We have various noise absorbing products to insulate the air shaft (or air ducts). We recommend using a product that has a protective PU top layer, this prevents the intrusion of dirt, oil and moisture. And maybe a product with an CE certificate or heat resistance. These are the products we recommend:

Noise insulation products for air shafts
For cargo ships and commercial vessels (CE)
  • Self-adhesive noise insulation with a protective top layer oil and moisture proof.
    Flexible polyurethane foam, for both flat and slightly curved surfaces. Available in black and white.
  • Self-adhesive noise insulation with a protective top layer oil and moisture proof.
    Flexible polyurethane foam, for both flat and slightly curved surfaces.

Products to insulate the air shaft:


Soundproofing and insulation solutions for pleasure crafts and shipbuilding
More information and products for boat, yacht and ships insulation can be found on the overview page 'Sound insulation and soundproofing for boat and yacht' and on our tips page Boats & Yachts