Acoustics, Soundproofing & Insulation in Kitchens

Soundproofing and insulation in kitchens
Kitchens can cause more audible impact noise in the next-door neighbours house than you might think. When the kitchen counter is placed against the party wall each kitchen appliance can sound like a drill in the neighbours house, and every cup placed on the counter as a dull thump. Some examples of an improperly installed kitchen unit or countertop are: countertop milled into the partition wall, kitchen unit directly placed on the floor, and rigid against the wall. All of this causes disturbing impact noise. Poor acoustics in kitchen causes lot of noise throughout your own home, loud noises from a dishwasher, moving pots and pans, all sound very loud when the acoustics in the kitchen is bad. We have the following solutions and products for you:

How to reduce impact noise from a kitchens counter
Place the kitchen unit, or counter, on pieces of purple Regufoam D220, 12 mm thick. Cut pieces of approximately 120 x 120 mm, from one sheet Regufoam and place just as large pieces of plywood between the feet of the counter and the Regufoam pieces in order to distribute the weight of the kitchen counter. This way you reduce the amount of impact noise, to the floor and therefore to the neighbours. Regufoam is relatively soft, so be careful with gas or water pipes so they won't leak after a while because of play on the pipes.

To reduce impact noise from the kitchen counter, or unit, to the party wall you should apply a Polypress Strip between the wall and the edge of the countertop or unit. This strips insulates vibrations and avoid impact noise being transferred to the wall.

Soundproofing a steel sink
Most steel sinks are soundproofed with a small piece of black material underneath the sink. This material is an 'anti-drumming' product that insulates or soundproofs vibrations in the sheet metal of the sink. Anti-drumming reduces the noise of washing dishes and the clatter of water into the sink. If your sink causes a lot of noise you might consider to soundproof the sink (more) with some sheets of Vibraflex Normal anti-drumming.

Acoustics for kitchens to reduce kitchen noises
Kitchens are famous for their poor acoustics, lots of sound reflecting surfaces can cause lots of noise throughout your home and mostly to the living room area. When you improve the acoustics in the kitchen you can reduce noise from activities and appliances to a minimum. We have two great pages with tips and guides to improve the room acoustics in kitchens.

Products for acoustics and insulation for kitchens


Sound insulation and acoustics in your home
 All the information you need about acoustic solutions in- and around your home you can find on our Tips & Tricks page. Need advise? Just let us know by sending an email.