Tips to soundproof PC a case and server rack

Soundproofing Computers & Servers

How to soundproof and insulate computer and server noise
Computers, game consoles and servers can cause quite some noise nuisance, at work but also at home. The sound problems can consist of both impact noise, vibrations and resonances, as well as airborne noise, sound produced by fans and hard drives. The more a computer or server is tasked with heavy applications, the more noise they produces. This page is split up in to two parts, solutions for PC cases and game console, and a part for server racks and rooms. 

Soundproofing a PC case
Large computer cases can resonate, because of vibrations produced by fans and hard drives, and radiate noise what causes the sound problems. To reduce resonances in the PC case you can soundproof the panels of the case by appyling anti-drumming sheets to the panels and the inside of the case. Anti-drumming sheets isolate vibrations in the lightweight paneling of the case. Vibraflex Normal, anti-drumming sheets, are ideal for the job. 

Open the case, or remove the panels, and clean them thoroughly. Cut the Vibraflex sheets to size, maybe use a mold to do so. Warm up the sheets to just above room temperature and apply them to the casing as if it where a sticker. Provide as much as possible surface of the case with anti-drumming. 

Airborne noise from the fans in the PC case can also be quite disturbing while working or gaming.  To reduce this place an acoustic panel behind the case, often against a wall or the back of some furniture. Akothem SF is the most suitable for this, we recommend Black 50 mm. This sound insulation panel is also easy to clean with a hoover. 

Soundproofing server rack
In general there are two types of server spaces, the dedicated climate controlled server room, and the familiar standard server rack, which is actually not much more than a large tin can. Rooms that are coverted to a server room often have the same weak spot, the door. A normal door leaks sound because of a lack of mass and proper sealing in the door frame. To improve the soundproofing of a door you can use our guide on "how to soundproof a door". 

The 'tin can' server rack can be soundproofed by applying sheets of anti-drumming, Vibraflex Normal, to all the sheet metal panels. This will isolate resonances in the sheet metal panels of the server rack reducing the radiation of noise. If there is room for sound insulation, then mount a few sheets of Flamex Basic inside of the rack to absorb fan and hard drive noises. If there is space available between the backside of the server rack and a wall, you should mount some Flamex Basic panels, 50 mm, to the wall to reduce noise from the back of the server rack. 

Soundproofing a game console
A gameconsole is often too small to soundproof, usually this isn't really necessary anyway, since these devices are quite silent. What may cause a problem, however, is when the console is placed in a cupboard, or other furniture. The Game consoles can produce resonances and make the furniture resonate. By placing the console on vibration dampers, the console is decoupled from the furniture and impact noise disappears. If the device also produces airborne noise (sound), you can mount some sound insulation to  parts of the furniture, again, Flamex Basic is ideal for the job. 

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